

June 2024 Invited seminar at Max Planck Institute for Gravitational Physics, Potsdam (Germany)
Apr. 2024 Invited seminar at Columbia University, New York City (USA)
Dec. 2023 Invited seminar at Perimeter Institute, online
Nov. 2023 Invited talk at "CDM Annual Workshop", Adelaide (Australia)
Sept. 2023 Contributed talk at "COSMO'23", UAM, Madrid (Spain)
July 2023 Contributed talk at "GRAPPA 10", U. of Amsterdam (Netherlands)
June 2023 Invited talk at "1st Trieste meeting on the physics of GWs", SISSA, Trieste (Italy)
Feb. 2023 Invited talk at "Theoretical Cosmology meeting", Leiden U. (Netherlands)
Dec. 2022 Seminar at Scuola Normale Superiore, Pisa (Italy)
July 2022 Contributed talk at "LISA Symposium", online
June 2022 Invited talk at "Gravitational wave probes of black hole environments", EuCAPT workshop, Rome (Italy)
Dec 2021 Contributed talk at "GWPAW", Hannover (Germany) and online

Mentoring and organization

2020-2023 Mentor of one Bachelor and several Master students during their theses
2021-2022 Daily supervision of T. Spieksma's Master's thesis
2020-2022 Organizer of "Amsterdark" (weekly seminars at U. of Amsterdam)


During a summer project, I devised part of the concepts and wrote the code underlying: